K. Sabbak



Musings on Refactoring

January 18, 2018

I was tasked to build something with TDD a month ago, and along with TDD, one of the many things I ended up learning in the process was how to better estimate - not necessarily how to make my estimations better, but how to not just blurt out the first number that popped into my brain.

My background is a largely non-technical one with a lot of weird tech bits sprinkled on. My working background most recently has been of the variety where I was told "Do this by this date" with no room for input from me, so coming back into a world where I have a say has been quite the transition. In a moment of panic and pressure, I'd just give whatever estimate popped first into my brain -- giving estimates that were less than ideal and not wholly considered. And against all Agile ideals and principles of common sense, there I was, with estimates and work to do in that time and of course the thing that I sacrificed was quality, and the biggest area where I did this was in refactoring.

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Tags: refactoring life-lessons

But My Tests Pass

December 18, 2017

If you had asked me like three days ago, I would have been like "I don't know why I was so worried about TDD, it's great nothing goes wrong, it goes smoothly and logically!" and if you ask me right now, I'll swear I saw this coming.

Saw what coming? Well, all my tests pass. . .

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Tags: tdd tests life-lessons