K. Sabbak



LING114 as Applied to My Current Life

February 01, 2018

Here's a fun fact about me: I have a BA in Linguistics. What did I think I was going to do with that? Well, probably more school, but at some point I realized that was the wrong path for me. That being said, I really appreciated what I learned as a linguistics student.

The very first linguistics class I took was probably LING114 taught by Prof. Glick. The thing about Prof. Glick is he was the head of SUNY Binghamton's Linguistics department, and I took a lot of his classes. He had three principles about language that given how often I took his classes, I will likely never forget. The goal here is to try to apply them to code - after all, we may be coding in constructed languages, but they're functionally very similar to natural languages in many ways.

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Tags: linguistics general