K. Sabbak



Copying Code for Comprehension

May 25, 2018

I think I'm a kinetic learner. That's why I print out my code when I refactor. That's also why if I want to get anything out of printed code examples (excepting the smallest/shortest of examples), I have to type them up myself. I've been reading Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns and Practices (PPP) lately, and Robert Martin really, really likes his code examples that span pages. Maybe there are people out there who can get something out of just reading those examples, but for me, it's way too much to keep in my head at once, especially without language highlighting, but also in general.

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Tags: reading fundamentals old-school


March 09, 2018

I've slowly been making my way through Geek Sublime: The Beauty of Code, the Code of Beauty in my free time and one of the first thing the book tackles is how people work in the tech industry and don't know how computers work. As someone who entered tech with a bootcamp background, this rings true to me. Though we spent a good deal of time immersed in learning how to code, and managed to get some of the basics of web protocol, we certainly didn't touch on logic gates or binary. To be honest, I can't tell if Chandra believes that people who work in tech need to understand how computers work on a fundamental scale, but he does help demystify some of it.

I'm kind of lucky, due mostly to an interest in the subject and the vague idea that I might get a CS minor (I never did), I managed to take a few classes in college that set me up with some of this basic knowledge. I also held onto the notebook that was my trusty companion through these classes.

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Tags: binary fundamentals old-school

My Favorite Refactor Tool

February 16, 2018

I’ve spent a good chunk of time refactoring recently. It’s taught me a lot, mostly on code structure and good design but also about myself and my working style. I’m not sure if I’d count as a kinesthetic learner, after all, I’m really bad at Sports, but my favorite refactoring tool is my printer. I’m pretty sure this also makes me a bad millennial (for owning a printer at all…).

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Tags: productivity refactoring old-school